Why boomers and millennials often disagree each other?


(Picture source : Internet)

Dad spends 20 minutes to save 20 bucks, son spends 20 bucks to save 20 mins
Who did the right thing either dad or son? The same situation can lead two person into two exactly different action. But problem arises when asked who is right among them. The fight between boomers and millennials is more complicated than rocket science. Every conflict arises with disagreement on someone's opinion, to be more precise it starts when one's ego is hurt. The topic never ends when its discussed about ego so its better to get into the  our topic why millennials and boomers disagree with each other.

There are some concrete reasons why they often disagree with each other.

  • Connectivity problem, the world has changed a lot. Many manual things are remote and less time consuming nowadays. It is better to term this as growth. But still there are things which have undergone a bit growth. Boomers don't actually realize this.
  • Stereotypes. This is the reason for major disagreement between both. Boomers are more likely to fall for stereotypes and blindly believe that no matter what. Finally they conclude as though the millennials are the one who live in a fantasy world and they consider themselves as far more practical. Though misconception and misunderstanding are on both sides, boomers are the one who mostly believe in stereotypes
  • Living in the past. This mentality is the most unforgivable one. It is totally intolerable when something doesn't go well ,they would start with the tone "In our ages we used to...….".If it happened to hear this from boomers ,my humble advise is to stay away from them(more dangerous than deadly virus).
  • Updation. Yes what you read is absolutely true ,even their updation can be the reason for the feud they develop against millennials because updation they have acquired is kind of updation over particular things. Better it can be termed as Selective updation.
  • Patriarchal mindset. This mindset is key to all gender related conflicts among them. They consider that possessing a piece of meat in their body make them more privileged and opposite gender weak and vulnerable. The same reason is which causes a lot trouble to men too.
  • Status among others. Boomers measure their success with others. Parking a big car in their carparking make them more happy ever. They often live upto the society stands and let mold their own decisions according to society.
  • Ultimate combination of ego and ignorance. If they are exposed to questions ,their reply would be "How dare you question me". They are ignorant enough to believe bullshit and support their bullshit fueled by ego
  • Question WHY? This is the most absolute reason to their feud. If they are asked why to some non sense shit they don't actually know the answer .So they start throwing their outrage towards the person who asks. This may also apply to the conflicts between two boomers.
All this reason doesn't that all boomers are alike ,there are even some boomers who are very progressive. Also that doesn't say that all millennials are progressive. There are flaws in all generation ,the acceptance of those flaws and making a counter idea to overcome the flaws must be the main motive rather than creating hate among generations and claiming that we are best.

Hope you enjoyed this post. Comment if you have any other reason why millennials and boomers disagree each others. Share this post to boomers and millennials you know.

