Our polluted attention

A problem which I dealt while having a couple of conversations in past three years hope you would also encountered that, We all are distracted by one or many ways but distraction while on one on one conversation is really terrible. And this must be addressed.You might have guessed it what problem actually it is.
(Picture source: Internet)
Don't worry I'm gonna ditch that technology destroyed us from being social or it made us an addict to it. Never!!!.Late in 1830's when people were obsessed with novels , there were communities which held an urgent meeting to discuss and take an appropriate solution to people's obsession on novels which made them less socially active .They even decided to burn all the novels in that area. Yes!!!people are so cruel back then towards obsession who wanted their people to be more social enough.

Later slowly when time passes people discovered themselves as they needed to be more social and connect to people around every nook and corner of the world. Then the rest is history.

To be more precise, we humans have the super duper ability of concentrate and focus on things. This whole concentration thing is fucked up by distraction which is fueled by technological advancements. Distractions are natural indeed. But these distraction dig up the grave for real problems in our life when it is ignite in certain situation. For instance read out this cringy example, Think what happens when all your romantic lines gets wasted when your partner is keen on his fb feed. Also read this bit good one when spent hours on your work presentation and the client rejects it just by watching his ex's insta story who is chilling with her new boyfriend. It really really hurts.

Its more like our attention is being pulled out by the monsters who controls us from our own hands.If you're getting the idea that you should use mobile and pc less then you're wrong. Just don't use it while having a conversation. In simple terms ,that's rude.Don't let your attention to be polluted.

Hope you liked this post. Share this with your friend who has polluted attention while having a conversation. Comments, constructive criticisms, feedbacks are generously welcomed
