How loving society really is?

 Right from the human evolution,man started to live in groups,then formed a community and finally Boom !!here we are!(though it is a huge form of evolution,I don't wanna you to get bored) in a extra loving and caring society we are.Don't let the glossy sheen of the title fool you, also it ain't a bitch post.Its actually dedicated to all loving ,caring people's of the society.

(Picture source: Internet)

The people of your society loves and care about you more than anyone,actually there are the one who keep an eye on your track record of everything you do.Basically they are the real life Sherlock Holmes(what if Sherlock Holmes heard this)who can easily say where you went and who you met with a simple glance at you.The hardest and pity part about themselves is,if they would've used their Sherlock Holmes power properly her husband would've stayed with her forever.But he got lucky actually.

The other one is copy cat Sherlock Holmes who tracks your timings and deduct what movie you watched.Probably she could have guessed correctly but she couldn't because she actually watched inspirational copy series of Sherlock Holmes in her native language.Actually I pity her children.

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The FB uncle ,all credits of sharing morale memes,charity requests,service memes,to the top notch he is the official news communicator of the whole society but mostly it will be fake.Deeper ,the FB uncle's messenger would've been officially blocked by Mark.Probably the decision of banning sites have made things hard for FB uncle.Poor uncle:(

(Picture source: Internet)

Society would be incomplete with this special persons,they are none other than relatives aka Great Gossipers .Even Usain Bolt could be easily defeated coz their rumors travel faster than light.Thank God ,rumors don't have the ability to lit,what if it had such ability.They are the one who forget your birthday but knows the date of your exam results.

Finally coming to the point ,society is just an fake illusion of help group,I do repeat society is just fake illusion of help groups.It pretends as such which helps us in need but it don't .instead it takes control over every individuals life of the society,even personal decisions.For instance take marriages ,according to society the groom marries the financial and social status of the bride and not the bride.I know reality is little hard to tolerate.

Society doesn't pay your bills,so don't let yourselves to take control over your lives into the hands of society.I personally dedicate my middle finger to all loving and caring society which cares and love to the moon.

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