Ads in Life

(Picture source : Internet)
The world economy thrives because of trade and business. Ultimate reason for thriving of business is advertising and marketing. Ads are fine and it needs to be appreciated but there are some ads who promotes products with zero logic. In recent days these ads are overfilled(luckily you won't find any irrevelent ads in this blog) and turns so annoying. Likewise in current world there are some excess ads in Life.

These ads promotes contents with emotional values where we the consumers finally end up with side effect of anxiety ,depression and all mental health problems. Though it may sound cliché and cringe this is the capital Truth. This is the basic default setting of consumer society not only in terms of an individual's life but also in a World community. Many consider this as a natural thing and occur in every means.

(Picture source: Internet)

For instance ,When you see your own friend having good physique with stunning six-packs and you hanging around him with beer belly you tend to acquire a healthy body alike him by taking up an  gym membership in this situation your friend him-selves serve as an ad material but that doesn't matter you as a consumer end up having physical pain after working hard at gym also left out with anxiety as your compare your day 1 results with your friend's years training. If this gives an idea of working out leaves you with physical pain and mental pain then you got absolutely wrong idea. If you are really dedicated and desperately need to fit it is absolutely fine. This same thing leaves to face ill effects from when the motive differs.

Likewise falling for these kind of overfed ads in our life makes us to end up with anxiety, depression blah blah....The damage caused due to all this ads in our life are not felt in earlier stages but there will be times when our mental health are fucked up and ads for mental wellness will popped out. But that would be too late to handle it. This is not just a random saying, after solving the food shortage in places by overproducing food crops by hybrid methods humans consumed as their wish without restricting finally this end up as need for taking up their physical health also they changed their foods by taking organic food instead of hybrid .

These effect can also occur in many variants. But no sooner it will be playing WWE with our mental health. To all this there is only one solution, more than solution it can be called as an suggestion. All this is a business ,like every business even here consumers (we) play the role of king with our own crown We have the power to reject as well as consume and promote every products. More than rejecting boycott those ads in life.

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